Meal Planning Project

This is my problem: I can't plan a meal. Or really my household, such as it is. Old-fashioned, pre-feminist home economics would have been very useful to me. I have tried grocery lists, but I seem incapable of buying the right amount of food. When I wing it, I come back with tons of veg, but no concise idea of what I am going to do with it.

This is my plan of action: Do the opposite. I have been trying to think macro (saying I eat in five times a week and trying tobuy for those five meals). Now i will think micro. I will start by planning one meal a week.

This sounds like gross under planning, but my logic is that I eat a lot of grilled veggie dinners due to lack of creativity. I see recipes that look good to try, but they stay waiting in my favorites, or torn out of a magazine and saved.

By planning to do one intensive meal a week, I will be leaning a new dish, making it for more than one person (freeze-ability is key), and still be realistic about my time and energy--I'm not going to cook a big meal every night of the week.